terça-feira, 29 de março de 2011


Para formar o futuro do pretérito em inglês, basta colocar o auxiliar (would) antes do verbo principal.

I would buy a car – eu compraria um carro
Jane would go to the United States – Jane iria aos Estados Unidos

Observação – note que não há (S) na terceira pessoa do singular

Forma afirmativa

I would buy – eu compraria
you would buy – você compraria
He would buy – ele compraria
She would buy – ela compraria
It would buy – ele-ela compraria
We would buy – nós compraríamos
You would buy – vocês comprariam
They would buy – eles ou elas comprariam

Contracted form - forma contraída (afirmativa)

I'd buy – eu compraria
you'd buy – você compraria
He'd buy– ele compraria
She'd buy – ela compraria
It'd buy – ele-ela compraria
We'd buy – nós compraríamos
You'd buy – vocês comprariam
They'd buy – eles ou elas comprariam

Forma negativa

I would not buy – eu não compraria
you would not buy – você não compraria
He would not buy – ele não compraria
She would not buy – ela não compraria
It would not buy – ele-ela não compraria
We would not buy – nós não compraríamos
You would not buy – vocês não comprariam
They would not buy – eles ou elas não comprariam

Forma negativa contraída

I wouldn't buy – eu não compraria
you wouldn't buy – você não compraria
He wouldn't buy – ele não compraria
She wouldn't buy – ela não compraria
It wouldn't buy – ele-ela não compraria
We wouldn't buy – nós não compraríamos
You wouldn't buy – vocês não comprariam
They wouldn't buy – eles ou elas não comprariam

Forma interrogativa

would I buy? – eu compraria?
would you buy? – você compraria?
would He buy? – ele compraria?
would She buy? – ela compraria?
would It buy? – ele-ela compraria?
would We buy? – nós compraríamos?
would You buy? – vocês comprariam?
would They buy? – eles ou elas comprariam?

Emprego da conjunção (if)

Com a conjunção (if = se), havendo verbo no presente simples, o outro verbo irá para o futuro do presente:

If I have money, I will buy a house.
Se eu tiver dinheiro, comprarei uma casa.

Com a conjução (if = se), havendo verbo no passado o outro verbo irá para o futuro do pretérito (conditional tense)

If I had money, I would buy a house.
Se eu tivesse dinheiro, compraria uma casa


1) Write in the conditional tense

a) I – take a taxi
I would take a taxi.

b) He – take a bus.
c) My parents - pay the Bill.
d) You and I – eat the cake.
e) We – go with you.

2) Change to the negative and interrogative forms:

a) The teachers would buy these books.
b) My parents would pay the bill.
c) The students would tell the truth.
d) Crhistiane would talk to him.
e) The child would like an orange juice.

3) Follow the pattern . Use the conditional tense.

a) She – buy a car – had – money.
She would buy a car if she had money.

b) We – buy a house – had – money.
c) They – pay the bill – had – money.
d) I – write a letter – had - time.
e) They – go to the beach – the weather was good.
f) He – read this book – understand English.

4) Follow the pattern. Use (if) and the future tense.

a) I – have time – visit you.
If I have time, I will visit you.

b) You – read this book – learn many things.
c) She – finds the address – write to him.
d) We – go to Italy – send you a postcard

5) Complete with (will) or (would)

a) I ___________ sell this old house if I had a new one.
b) If my parents agree, I _________ buy a motorcycle.
c) If it was necessary, I __________ take this medicine.
d) They __________ arrive on time, if they run.
e) If she was my friend, I ___________ go to her party.
f) If they are honest men, they _________ pay us.
g) If they were honest men. They __________ pay us.
h) You __________ work, if you are well.
i) If he studies, he _________ pass the examination.

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